Body Ecology’s LivAmend is our next product up for review. The manufacturer claims that these capsules support a healthy liver which may result in clearer skin and increased energy. There are further claims that this supplement may help support bile flow, which may decrease the likelihood of gallstones and cholesterol. We examined the label and websites and perused customer reviews in order to compile a comprehensive report on this product. Continue reading this review to see if this is the liver support supplement for you.
In order to discern whether or not a supplement is effective, we must look at the list of ingredients and the quantities of each ingredient.
LivAmend contains a daily dose of 430mg Artichoke extract, standardized to 5% cynarin. This is significantly more than the amount found in our other reviewed products, and more than almost every other liver support supplement on the market! Readers should be aware that more does not necessarily mean better. In this case, we were impressed. The beneficial compounds in this plant have been clinically proven to support liver health, aid the quality and flow of bile from the liver and even help liver cells to regenerate.
The second main ingredient in LivAmend, in equal quantity to the Artichoke extract, is Sarsaparilla extract. Sarsaparilla root is a tropical herb that has presumably been added as a powerful source of antioxidants that can support liver health, strengthen the digestive system and provide detox support. However, we were intrigued to see such a large quantity of it. It may certainly be beneficial, but Sarsaparilla has not been studies as extensively as Milk Thistle in relation to liver health, and those studies we did find were conducted on rats rather than humans.
The Milk Thistle extract in LivAmend is present, but in such a low quantity of 60mg that it barely makes an impact. In our opinion, including this clinically-proven ingredient in a quantity that falls far short of the dose recommended by scientists is a factor that really lets this product down. It seems a shame that when Body Ecology formulated a product to protect the liver and bowels, the high dose of Sarsaparilla came at the expense of the Milk Thistle.
The final active ingredient in LiveAmend is 50mg Wasabi powder. Do we believe that Wasabi makes this a more effective supplement to protect the liver? Possibly. Wasabi Root is a rich source of chemicals that can activate enzymes which may eliminate harmful substances in the liver before they can cause potential damage. Considering most liver supplements are not formulated with this ingredient, we would have appreciated seeing further information on the company’s website about why it was included, and we couldn’t find a justification for including this rather than Choline, or ingredients to increase absorption and bioavailability of the main active ingredients.
There are no mentioned side effects of taking this product. As with any new supplement or diet introduced into your daily life, we always advise talking to your healthcare professional first about possible contraindications of any pre-existing medical conditions or medications that you are taking. Supplements work differently for everyone and the effects vary between individuals, so it is always a good idea to run any health changes by a professional.
While we did not find anything to indicate that this product is unsafe, we found a surprising lack of information to indicate that the opposite is the case, both on the product label and the company website itself. Great marketing and attractive labeling are important to the success of a product, but those factors pale into insignificance if a company can’t back up the fluff with essential facts and scientific data. Body Ecology is fronted by Donna Gates, a nutrition and gut health expert with certification from the American Board of Anti-Aging Health Practitioners and a best-selling author of two books concerning diet and anti-aging. Although their website gives some details and background, we would have appreciated seeing claims backed up by science. The company does not have any clear indication that their supplements have been subjected to testing, let alone any claims to third-party testing methods.
We also noted that the certifications which we usually look for to endorse the safety of supplements, such as cGMP, are not mentioned in association with this product, so that aspect was also disappointing, although it is non-GMO, soy-free, gluten-free and and vegan friendly.
Body Ecology LivAmend seems to be a fairly good quality liver health supplement. We like that it’s formula is comprised of good quality extracts standardized to the recommended percentages, and a label that doesn’t obscure the relevant ingredient facts. In addition, it is free of gluten, soy and GMO ingredients, and suitable for vegans. We were also pleased to discover that the company offers financial savings on multiples and “bundles’ of products, which is not a benefit that all manufacturers offer.
However, the Milk Thistle extract found in this product is only 60mg, which is five times less than the amount contained in our Editor’s Choice liver supplement! Neither did we find any of our other essential ingredients we hope to find in liver support supplements, such as the nutrient Choline (Bitartrate), or a bioavailability enhancer like Piperine. As a result, the doses are lower than needed in order to achieve optimal health benefits for the liver. It was not surprising that some independent consumers reported that they did not notice a difference when using this supplement, or even experienced some negative effects. Future customers may take some comfort from the opportunity to return this product within 60 calendar days, but Body Ecology will only issue a 50% refund if the product has been opened – less than the ideal projection of confidence in their products.
Additionally, we felt that the product as a whole was missing a key element: certification. At the very least, we would have liked to see that this product is made in an FDA approved facility and adheres to the current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). Ingredient and product testing would have only added to the value of this product which is priced just below the average range.